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Changed blog address

Hi! You may have noticed that there weren't any posts over the last week, that's because I changed my website provider from Blogspot to Weebly! My new URL is . The reason for the switch is that Weebly has better website design tools, plus there's a free version to test out with. If you're ever making a website, I'd highly recommend it. You'll need to subscribe again for the new Website, but you won't receive duplicate emails. If you've got any questions, don't hesitate to ask below, or on the new site.

StarKiller base

I was kind of bored earlier, so I made this. What do you think?

Learn Aurabesh! The language of Star Wars!

Hi! Using Tinycards, a memorising tool by the creators of Duolingo, I've created a deck to help learn Aurabesh, the language of Star Wars! You can learn Aurabesh now  here ! "Good luck learning the language of Star wars!"

Leaders for SW: Clone Wars board game released.

Hi, this is the second update for Star Wars: The Clone Wars fan made board game, and I've been busy over the past week preparing the first iteration of the leaders. If you scroll down, you can see them all. I've begun work on the missions and figures, and I've got the Republic win condition. They can win by revealing the Dark Lord, which they can do with certain missions. I may also implement the following rule: Once the Republic finds the dark lord, they need to arrest him as a special mission which would be added to their hand when they reveal the dark lord. Do you think this would be a good addition to the game? Post your answers in the comments!                

RuneBound review

Hello, today I'll be reviewing Runebound , a game by Fantasy Flight Games. This game is set in a medieval fantasy land named Terrinoth, which many other FFG games are set in, such as Descent and Runewars. Runebound is a game for two to four players, where each player takes the role of a hero of Terrinoth. In Runebound, there are six heroes that are available to play as. Each of the four expansions to Runebound includes another hero though, so if you get them all, you'll have ten heroes to play as, which should suffice.   As the game progresses, players progressively level up their heroes' skills and equip them with weapons and other items. These can be obtained by travelling around Terrinoth and buying from cities. In order to increase the power of your hero, you will need to attempt various adventures. Adventures are represented on the map by small tokens. When a hero does an adventure, he draws a card from the corresponding adventure deck, then resolves i...